The Fragrant Pharmacy
Valerie Ann Worwood
Author: Valerie Ann Worwood
The Fragrant Pharmacy, by Valerie Ann Worwood was my first reference for aromatherapy and topical treatments using pure esential oils and resins and remains the most valuable.
Valerie presents 546 pages that open the door to a whole world of possibilities.
IAn approach to nature through one of its most powerful forms - fragrant 'essential oils' drawn from flowers and grasses, trees and roots, leaves and fruit, which remain one of the greatest resources of our planet.
The Fragrant Pharmacy shows how each essential oil can offer many diverse benefits. One of the most holistic of all systems of medicine, the oils can alleviate symptoms, prevent many illnesses and disorders and help in the healing process, while also helping all of us - including our families, our homes, our pets - with the support and pleasures we need, and without the chemical pollution that negatively impacts our bodies and our environment.
A comprehensive encyclopaedia of 'medicines out of the earth' - those miracles of creation which revitalise and rejuvenate, enhance our emotions and help our work and play. - that charts out for all of us, a fragrant way to improved health of self, home and work.
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